Product Idea |

Sign Language Mannequin Hand V3

You've already seen the first two iterations of my mannequin hand, initially made to hold my rings then updated and smoothed for a more appealing design...

This time my hand knows ASL!

As you can see in images 2, 3, 4 & 5, I have tested my design for every letter of the ASL (American Sign Language) alphabet and enable the fingers and thumb to position themself perfectly for each one. The four images mentioned actually spell out LEGO with the poses I have mimicked in Studio. I will have a detailed video on my YouTube channel (Master Mouldie) if you are interested in how I made this work. This would be a great tool for teaching ASL, especially to those who, like me, learn better through seeing and doing, and would be a great physical representation of each letter which would need to be copied to learn, a much better example than a 2-dimensional image.

Similar to my first two designs this LEGO Mannequin Hand still helps store your rings safely of a night, takes up little desk space or also acts as a cool wall decoration for when people come to visit. I've even given mine the LEGO make and take harry potter wand to display which it holds with no trouble! This hand differs from any old mannequin as it can be customised to the next level with your own brick built rings, brick tattoos and many different modifications, it can even be multi-coloured to show off your gems! This would make a great set for anyone learning ASL or who has a crippling LEGO addiction, and would look great amongst your jewellery collection or next to your pile of hats, and will hold anything you want it to…

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