Product Idea |

Lego Digital companion


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             Thank you for visiting Megabrix first Lego ideas proposal.
            First and foremost;No digital entertainment devices were never harmed during the development of this digital display stand. As well as it should be said that Lego, should never assume liability, what so ever ,to the equipment being used with this proposed set.

  We had allot of fun assembling this unit to suit our needs, After all Lego is still the most attainable and easiest to use 3d printer. Our simple design uses rubber hose elements to cushion the intended device;which also grips slightly. The back rest is adjustable for comfort or light refraction. We do not think building will be difficult; which lends to the idea which this set can be altered to suit any Lego theme. Since we have built one,it has increased our demand for another.  So we did ,and if this model gets a thousand supporters Ill show it off here as an update.

           We would like to hear from you, the Lego ideas fans ,builders  also inventors. If you please; could you leave in the comments , which colors and which themes you would like Lego to use?

            We included Player 1 to our proposal to keep our opinions neutral.  
            In the second model  We used the goblin.

            Thank you for reading,commenting and supporting this idea.
                  Happy Buildings!


                               Cheers from Megabrix

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