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Fire Station

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Highly detailed, British inspired Fire Station. Includes Equipment rooms, conference rooms, bed room, reception desk and three bays to keep the two inculuded fire engines.
This set also comes with two British inspired fire engines. A pump, ladder and a Aerial Ladder Platform, both fully functional. Inculdes seven lego minifigures.

The Aerial Ladder Platform and two minifigs.

inside the station.
This the top floor. It includes a bedroom, a desk, with computer and coffee maker. A shower, a conference room and chill-out area. The roof and whole of the top floor is removable is sections for easy access to the Ground floor. The two floors are liked with a 8 stud wide stair case.

Inside the station
This is the ground floor of the station.It includes a reception desk with two computers and a coffee maker, a larger conference room, a Breathing Aperatus air filling room, and a locker room including a door way into the Fire engine bays.
The stair case can also be seen to the first floor.

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