Product Idea |

Tiny City


First Shout-out Update!

Hello, and welcome to the first daily shout-out! This is where I give people a shout-out for being totally awesome and making constructive and sensible comments. 

The people that deserve a shout-out today are:

Brick picker - For being the first actual supporter on this project (besides myself)!


builder7524 - For his help with finding the nanofigures in Lego Digital Designer and for suggesting the idea of using nanofigures! I will definitely consider that to be very helpful in the future!


EDxAS - For wishing me 10k supporters and more! Totally check out his comment and support his amazing candy dispensers idea on his Lego Ideas account!

And also we give a shout out to:

Everyone else that supported the project yesterday but didn't leave any comments!


I hope everyone enjoyed reading the first ever shout-out update. These will be daily, as long as there are still people supporting this project. Also, please share your criticism with me, because that will be helpful in the future if I make a second draft of this project. Who knows, you may be given a shout-out on here tomorrow!

Thank you for supporting, and please tell your friends about this project!

Goodbye, and see you tomorrow!


We hit 5 supporters!

Yay! We hit five supporters!


Your assistance is required!

If you have any changes you would like made to this product idea, please comment it in the comments section. I will consider any criticism to be very helpful. Also I will shout out daily to any people who make polite and sensible comments. Thank you!

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