Product Idea |

Henry and the Chalk Dragon - Flies Again!

1. If you like reading descriptions of LEGO Ideas sets, jump to The Story. If not, jump straight to TL:DR.
2. Please check the “Updates” section for information regarding new pieces, characters, fun facts, etc. as they become released)

Henry and The Chalk Dragon is a fantastic book, and a fantastic book needs a fantastic LEGO set! So, after months of trial and error, I present to you Henry and The Chalk Dragon in LEGO form! Support this set today, and it may eventually be on your shelf!

The Story:
A few years ago (around 2017 or 2018, if I recall), I was at a homeschool convention, and I came across a booth that was selling a book, namely Henry and The Chalk Dragon. The title and the cover art interested me greatly, and so I bought it (along with getting it signed by the author, who was present at the table). After taking it home, I began to read and didn’t move until after I had finished it. (I’m a fast reader.) It was an incredible book! The written style was unique, and the character design was vivid and creative. Still, to this day I have not read a book that echoes the pleasant uniqueness of the book.
For a while after, I forgot about the book. It lay on my shelf, along with other classics such as The Wingfeather Saga, Sherlock Holmes, and old G.I. Joe comics. Then, a few months ago, I began to think about making a LEGO Ideas set. My main concern was the IP. What IP could I use that was fresh, new, and a wise pick for a LEGO set? After many sleepless nights, I finally stumbled upon it: Henry and The Chalk Dragon! It was all there: unique characters, vivid descriptions—it would work so well! So, I set to work to create what you see before you today.

I’ve used a lot of information from the book to create pieces that echo plot points from it. To name a few:
• Oscar’s Octagon (covered in ketchup as a jury-rigged stop sign)
• The cardboard bunnies in the classroom
• The list of budget cuts in Principal Bunk’s office
• The “National Vegetable Week” banner in the cafeteria
• The chalkboard, written up with “Similes,” “Octagons,” and more
• Three different form-changes of the Chalk Dragon, including the slime slug, Abraham Lincoln, and the dragon form

In a technical aspect, here are some facts regarding my MOC:
Dimensions: 12” x 13.8” (30 cm x 35 cm)
# of Pieces: 2,102 pieces
# of Characters (at the time of writing): 8

Character Design:
Almost all the miniature parts were hand-made in Photoshop.
  • Henry - in duct tape/raincoat armor, a milk-carton helmet, and armed with a toilet roll and an eraser (double-sided head shows determined facial expression)
  • Oscar - armed with his trusty feather duster (double-sided head shows scared facial expression)
  • Jade - in her “perfectly coordinated” purple scarf, red vest, and green pants
  • Principal Bunk - in his pristine business suit (double-sided head shows slime-covered and ‘icky’ facial expression)
  • Miss Pimpernel - with her red glasses and hair the exact color of a beaver’s teeth
  • 2 Bored Members - in their dark suits and even darker glasses
  • Green Abraham Lincoln - that Dragon won’t fool anyone!

Henry and The Chalk Dragon is a fantastic book, and I firmly believe that a fantastic book needs a fantastic LEGO set. It doesn’t get much more concise than that! The biggest selling point of this MOC is the fold-out function, which allows the whole model to fit on a desk, looking like a school, while also allowing it to be opened for play.

What Can You Do?
Other than pressing the big yellow SUPPORT button on the screen, share this set with other people on social media, Reddit, blogs, etc., and get them excited about making this set a reality!

Thanks, all!

- MasterLink16

Rendered in Blender using MecaBricks Advanced

Fold-Out Function (Animated):

Opens in a new window