Product Idea |

Theme/Amusement Park -~Project~-

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Hello Viewers,
It's been a while since I created this project, and as life is busy I have only just got around to creating the first model of the park! While this is still a prototype it's in it's final stages of design, with a few things yet to be changed the first ride is probably one of the most complex.

Overview of the project:
This Project started with the idea of creating a Technic-Free Theme Park.
During the creation of the Theme Park, we will be creating multiple different projects, as I'm sure we won't be able to add many photos of each ride, so we will be linking multiple different projects, which all are created by me.

The First Model: ~Final Stage of Prototype Development
The Second Model: ~I haven't chosen what will be created next... ;)

Thanks for Reading,
~ blocks

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