Product Idea |

Frozen Wasteland - The Power Plant

Frozen Wasteland - The Power Plant
Mr. Mathias Hunniford: Former Blacksmith and street brawler.
Mrs. Rosemary Wright: Former mechanical engineer and wildlife expert.
“In the year 1834 astronomers made the eerie discovery that the flame of the sun was slowly burning out. 50 years later by the year 1884, the planet has turned into a frozen wasteland, putting an end to civilization as known. The few people left still hanging on, now live in small settlements, completely reliant on a constant need of heat generation. With former occupations as blacksmith and mechanical engineer, Mr. Mathias Hunniford and Mrs. Rosemary Wright has been assigned to keep the settlement power plant running at all times”
The build is my first BrickLink Studio. It is designed as a framed diorama, looking most spectacular from the front, but definitely playable all the way through.
The build consist of a snowy/rocky landscape with 3 main buildings:
Power Plant:
The power plant is designed to as a scaffolding/tower holding a big furnace for burning coal to create heat and electrical power. The tower is also equipped with windmills for additional power generation.
The heat lines are transferred through the ground to every building in the settlement to keep them from freezing over.

The cabin is meant as a place for the two workers to have some off-time when not on their shift. It is equipped with a bunk bed and a fireplace and wood for keeping a comfortable temperature inside.

Moving across the bridge there is a small outhouse build in wooden planks but also equipped with build in heating.

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