Product Idea |

US National Parks



If everyone shares this creation with just 1 person, we'll reach 1000!

Thanks you all so much for so much support! Let's share this, so we can make it to 1000! We're not going to make it at the rate things are going so let's step it up! Thanks!


500 supporters!

Mmmkay, mmmkay! 500 supporters! Half way to the next milestone!
unfortunately, at the rate things have been going, this project won’t reach 1000, and therefore a time boost, for about a year.
at least.
We don’t have a year left.
so you know what that means 😛
share this! If we are going to have any chance at reaching 1000, we will need some sharing to be happening.
if all of you who supported this share this project with even one person, we will be able to reach 1000.
but even if we don’t get there, thank you all so much for your support. This project has gone so much farther than I ever though one of my projects would, and I’m glad I’m ending my lego ideas “career” (for now) on such a high note!
so thank you all so much once again for supporting and (maybe 😛) sharing!
okay enough self promotion 🙃 byeee!


100 Supporters!

Thank you all for 100 supporters! I'm very grateful for all the support this model been getting! I'm currently working on edits, which include: Plaques with the name of each park, an updated Yellowstone to make it look less like a spaceship XD, and the addition of Glacier National Park! Because of these updates, I will be redoing the renders for all the pictures, so expect an update around a week from now (Today being April 15). Thank you all again!
Note- as of 4/26/2021, the update is in moderation

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