Product Idea |

LEGO System H0 lorry

My idea of LEGO set is magnification of H0 (1:87) truck from 60s. Vehicles in this size with metal body the LEGO were producing in 50-70s years and using in the Town Plan system. I think this LEGO set would be interesting for adult LEGO collectors and nice memory of history for The LEGO group. I decided re-build red classic lorry by LEGO bricks. My model is 4x bigger than original metal lorry from 60s, which mean 14 studs wide and his scale is circa 1:22. The truck model is complemented by a blue-gray pedestal referring to the box, where these vehicles used to be packed. On pictures you can see color variations, red, yellow and sand green. Lorry is build from 620 pieces and pedestal is from 182 pieces of LEGO bricks. This model would be ideal for display on a shelf, designed especially for adult fans of LEGO, because it is static model without various moving parts and details, what saved the number of pieces used LEGO bricks, but limiting playability.  Fortunately LEGO is creative and unlimited toy and with this "boring" model for adults could children play too. They can very easily improve it and recreate based on their imagination.

I hope you like my idea and many thanks for all supports.

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