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This set it's about colorful parties, mariachis and families all aboard a little and beautiful boat.
The "Trajinera" is a fusion between a small boat and a kayak, so it's amazing to see whole families having a kind of picnic, and dancing in such a small space, and to see the marichis literally jumping from one trajinera to another.
This set recalls the good times with family and friends, and the unique colors that make Mexico so famous and, of course, special. Every time you see "La trajinera" you will feel closer to your family and better times will come.
The importance of customize your trajinera it's because the trajineras have a kind of banner made out flowers with a different girl's name, so you can choose the trajinera with the name of the most special woman of your life, so that's makes more special the tour.
I think this unique and joyful expirence must be shared with the world because, everyone should feel having fun, loved and close to their family like Mexicans feel on board a trajinera.
The set
The set consists of 190 currently existing pieces