Product Idea |

Severance: Macrodata Refinement

"Render not my creation in miniature"

Well, that's exactly what I did! This show quickly became one of my favorites after it released, I'm sure along with many of you reading this! The premise was unique, and the filming style was so engaging. It deserves all of the awards it has won so far, and now I think it deserves a Lego set of its own!

There are many great characters and locations which could be included in a Severance set, but for my design I wanted to focus on just the main four Macrodata Refinement (MDR) workers; Mark, Helly, Dylan, Irving. Another thing I wanted was to keep this set small. There aren't enough small scale projects on Lego Ideas, in my opinion, and so I wanted to make this as small as I could, while still being detailed and true to the show. I tried a couple revisions with a larger green floor to replicate the emptiness of the desk area in the show, but I ended up preferring the condensed display as it is now. This set has around 300 pieces, 5 minifigures and it features the MDR desk cluster.

Following suit of other Lego diorama sets, it has a Severance logo tile, along with a quote. The quote that I find most fitting for this set; "The work is mysterious and important." What is is the data that MDR is refining? It truly is mysterious, hopefully we'll find out in season 2! If you like Severance and Lego, please consider supporting my project!

Changes since creating model with physical bricks

This project was originally submitted as a digital model. Now having built the model with physical bricks, I ended up making some minor changes:
  • Changed Minifigure outfits based on pieces available to me
  • Modified the back wall to give more detail and be a better replica of the source material
  • Back wall is removable
  • Desk cluster can now be positioned at either a 45 or 90 degree angle as shown. To do this just remove the chairs and spin the desk cluster.

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