Product Idea |

Mayberry County Jail

This set is a recreation of the Mayberry County Jail from the Andy Griffith Show. It consists of approximately 2,750 pieces, including six minifigures representing Andy, Barney, Opey, Aunt Bee, Ottis, and Gomer. I got the idea for building it when I noticed how many sets there were that were based off of TV shows, and I got to thinking, "Why haven't they made any black-and-white TV show sets?" This naturally caused my mind to start going through all of the black-and-white TV shows that I knew, and the very first one that came to mind was The Andy Griffith show. I've always loved this show, and so I decided to give it a try. Over the next week, I studied images from the show, imagined how I could create them, and lost a lot of sleep over it. The final result? A replication of one of the most iconic scenes from one of the most iconic TV shows of all time.

If this were made into an actual set, It would definitely need custom minifugures, and printed pieces for the posters/pictures on the walls.

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