Product Idea |

Espresso Machine With Portafilter

Inspired by my personal love of coffee and based on my personal espresso machine, this set is a great functional design for coffee lovers of all ages. It includes the pressure meter, bean hopper, steam wand, portafilter with removable puck, and several other features. The portafilter, puck, and drainage grate are all removable. The knob, dial, and steam wand all move as the would on a real machine! I hope you enjoy. It is built on a 16 x 16 base plate and is approximately 15 bricks high without the grinder. The puck does not connect to the portafilter at all, it simply rests inside, flipping it over would remove it (similar to a real puck and filter). Let me know if you have any recommendations or ideas to share!

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