Product Idea |

The Zenith

Project Zenith leaving the Io Shipyards in 3...2...1...

This is The Zenith. A Dual Operated Spacecraft, designed for scientific missions and exploration in the depths of space. With the ability to separate into two craft; The Starchaser and The Constellation, and the ability to be upgraded with more powerful laser jet engines and advanced debris protective equipment (though at the expense of Zenith's ability to combine), the opportunity of adventures into the void, and the ability to explore the timeless worlds of space make The Zenith a valuable commodity to Earth control.

With its two approved pilots, Alex and Nell, as well as the state of the art Really Autonomous Neobot (We call it RYAN), Project Zenith is a Bleeding Edge operation. Or at least, it will be.

Our first mission, however, is to meet the stringent requirements of the Lunar Exploration & Galactic Organisation. Project Zenith needs to enlist 10,000 Cadets to make it into the stars. All Cadets will be assigned roles on Project Zenith:
  • The first 100 Cadets will be pooled into Resource Team Alpha. This will allow Phase One of Project Zenith to go ahead. L.E.G.O will give us One Year to secure another 900 Phase One recruits
  • Should we reach 1000 recruits, we will enter Phase Two. With the core engineering team assembled, we now must gain up to 5000 recruits, allowing us to secure the funding we need for Research and Development.
  • 5000 recruits will allow us to reach Phase 3: Testing. With prototypes built, we will expand operations to another 5000 recruits. At 10,000 recruits for Project Zenith, we will have reached our goal for official L.E.G.O recognition.

Project Zenith depends on its recruitment of young at heart and motivated cadets, with a head for heights and the want for exploration of the strange new worlds out there. Project Zenith needs people like you. Are you in?

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