Product Idea |

Rock Raiders - Chief's Crag Cruiser

Its been 24 Days* since the LMS Explorer entered the orbit of Planet U for the first time, and reports of missing Rock Raiders keep pouring in. Its time for Chief to step down from the command deck, board his Crag Cruiser, warp to the surface, and rush to the rescue deep underground!
  • A brand new vehicle , The Crag Cruiser, designed to be Chief's personal Search and Rescue Craft, with a micro drill, comfy vinyl captains chair, and servo mounted NanoLaser Cutter
  • Chief and Rock Raider minifigs
  • Brick built and fully articulated Rock monster, able to hold 1 brick wide things. Is it here to help the Raiders? Or take the Power Crystals for itself?
  • A display base with plenty of Power Crystals to harvest in aide of your crew's journey home
I'm going to drop the ad copy here, I wasn't alive when Rock Raiders was first made, but throughout my childhood I was always building with retired themes. Rock Raiders is a series which has such love behind it, and I feel a tribute set like this is something everyone who has ever loved any of the worlds LEGO crafted for us can get behind. Seeing Rock Raiders fans, and the passion they feel towards their favourite theme, inspired me to make my first ever LEGO ideas project. I hope its something they can love.

Proposed build contains ~540 pieces, including two minifigs

*or years, who's to say

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