Product Idea |

The Pumpkin Cottage

This is the pumpkin cottage. It's a cozy cottage that used to be a pumpkin! You see, when a pumpkin grows big enough, people try to move in and call it home. It includes a soft blue bed for one lucky owner as well as a nice sturdy corner table. A nice writing table sits in the rear of the house in case you want to write a letter to a friend. Also included are two small stools in case you have company over! This wonderful orange pumpkin also includes five windows allowing you to see outside as well as inside. Golden ornate handrails line both sides of the front steps and for those of you with a green thumb there are beautiful yellow flowers surrounding the entire pumpkin. For the low, low price of one vote this pumpkin cottage can possibly be yours! Thanks for coming by! This pumpkin I built started off as something very small and over time as it grew, I grew also as a builder and a fan of Lego. I've made many variations of this same pumpkin design to see how it would fit into different scenarios and themes and it fits very well! If you are interested in seeing what a pretty pink pumpkin or a classic space theme pumpkin looks like than feel free to come visit my flickr and Facebook account. I plan on building many more different pumpkins because I do believe in what I have created and I hope you will also with your vote.

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