This is the mini museum. I built this, because I think it displays a museum, with only the highlights. Everything is easily accessible. There are four main parts which I chose to build. The first one is a space shuttle model, designed to look like it's 'taking off' into space! The next one is a cowboy showdown scene, where they are fighting for precious valuables they both want. It is demonstrating what life was like in the wild west and early American stages. The following one, the bone examination area, helps the two students see what bones of different animals looked like, for example a dinosaur in this case. The final little area is built just for fun. It is a security guard, to make sure the kids don't touch anything and behave themselves. He has a walkie-talkie, and some 'unnecessarry' handcuffs. (Just in case;).
This little set is perfect to be just a model, or a little playset that people can playwith. This set is easily portable and hopefully you enjoy it!!!