Product Idea |

Forestmen Cave Secrets

What else could a true forestman, forestwoman or child desire than a peaceful and private hideaway in the woods? This lovely safe haven comes fully equipped with fresh outdoor and indoor water, fish, honey, a trap for fresh meat or unwanted visitors and a wonderful view from above on your surroundings (alternatively sometimes used as a great watchtower as well). There's also rumors of a secret safe with closeable access from both inside and out (though we haven't been able to confirm these rumors to this very day). Of course this little palace has lots of natural ventilation thanks to the hollow nature of most black trees around here, so you will never experience any nasty smells from your daily cooking.

This lovely hideaway comes with a forestman, forestwoman and a forestchild. Furthermore, it consists of two mature knights (one a little younger, one a little less younger) and a small boy rumored to be nothing but royalty!
Sketches were provided to you by means of and PartsDesigner for some stylish prints here and there. The full package consists of 2965 parts and can be opened at your own convenience at multiple points for easy access. 

Thank you very much for your viewing today as a fellow forestmen enthusiast, we truly appreciate all the heart-warming visits and support you might have to offer!

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