Product Idea |

Futuristic Sports car Mechabot

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to rival toy companies' myriad of character/toys are PURELY coincidental. :]

This the THE DEFINITIVE prototype for sporty-vehicle-transformable-to-robot LEGO set. One of the most solid MOC I ever built, the transformation from sports car to a robot is easy, too!

Transformation doesn't require disassembly of parts. (except the clip on rifle). The rifle blends seamlessly into the vehicle spoiler, or be taken out too without distorting the spoiler design.

The robot mode has huge amount of articulation from the feet to the head, it beats rival toy companies which focus on Transforming robots , yet ended up producing their toys with ugly panels on the arms and back of the figure.

Endless retooling possibility from this core MOC's transformation sequence, allows spawning a dozen or more lego sets with vehicles of different color and sleekness.

More photos including transformation sequence in my blog entry below:

Back and front of car

top angled view

robot mode front and back. Not the minimal kibble on the back.. hardly disrupt the articulation.

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