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CHRYSALIS: Unpublished Fairy Tale Included

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This project is not only a set to build but also a fairy tale for childrens
“In the enchanted kingdom of Beteerya, cradled by majestic mountains and pristine forests, there lived a little princess named Alatyiel. She dwelt happily with her father, the wise and benevolent King Jimahil…”*
* I am the author of this original and unpublished fairy tale, and if you want, you can continue reading it below
This set expands the gaming experience, combining both the fun of mum and dad (or an adult), who are involved in building the set with kids. Both in reading the story to children. Finally, only to children who use the set to play and create new adventures with the fairytale characters present inside the set.
It therefore aims to be a set that involves the entire family, with the aim of making them stay together by living a circular and lasting experience in three main moments which are:
• First:
The boy or girl together with their parents, or in any case an adult, build the set
• Second:
Reading the unpublished fairy tale (contained inside the box or downloadable via app), before going to bed or on an afternoon of bad weather, becomes a reflection of the building experience made together
• Third:
On one morning, for example, on an holiday, childrens become the protagonists of a thousand fun adventures, making the gaming experience grow and relive beyond the mere initial construction
A gaming experience that combines building with Lego bricks with narrative
• Here's a short example:

In the enchanted kingdom of Beteerya, cradled by majestic mountains and pristine forests, there lived a little princess named Alatyiel. She dwelt happily with her father, the wise and benevolent King Jimahil.
Alatyiel was a child of ethereal beauty, with long golden hair that seemed to capture the sunlight in its strands.
But alas, the peace in Beteerya was shattered when her uncle, the wicked usurper Hadralon, seized the throne through treachery. He drove away the noble king and imprisoned the young princess in a dreadful cave hidden within the depths of a dark and mysterious lake.
Despite her tender age, Alatyiel's spirit remained unbroken. With courage and determination, she spent her days sharing what little she had with the forest animals, the only friends she had in her lonely exile.
It so happened that a group of herons, gliding gracefully over the lake, took note of the young princess’s plight and relayed her story to their protector.
One fine day, an enchanting green figure appeared before Alatyiel: the sorceress Natura. Her eyes sparkled with compassion and ancient wisdom.
"Alatyiel," Natura spoke in a voice as gentle as the morning breeze, "I have witnessed your sorrow and admire your generosity. Though I cannot free you, I can offer you a gift. Each strand of your hair, when cut and woven, will become part of a tower. This tower will reach the clouds where the great genius of the skies, Cyrho, resides. Only his mighty powers can grant you true freedom."
Alatyiel, full of gratitude, accepted the sorceress's gift. Each day, she cut and wove her hair, which magically grew back immediately. The tower began to take shape, an extraordinary structure visible only to those with pure hearts. It rose higher and higher, adorned with sinuous, intricate designs that seemed to dance under the starry sky.
Unperturbed, Alatyiel persevered, weaving tirelessly even when exhaustion weighed heavily upon her. Her courage and unwavering spirit continued to fuel her efforts, while the tower reached ever closer to the heavens.
Hadralon’s emissaries brought her scant provisions daily, mocking her plight. However, their evil hearts could not see the magnificent tower growing. They scoffed at her resilience, blind to the magic unfolding before their very eyes.
At long last, the top of the tower touched the white, fluffy clouds. The heavens parted, and Cyrho, the great genius of the skies, appeared, surrounded by dazzling light.
"Alatyiel," Cyrho said with a warm smile, "your strength and perseverance have been remarkable. Now, it is time for your reward. I shall take you from this tower and return you, stronger than ever, to your kingdom."
With a gentle touch, Cyrho lifted Alatyiel from her prison and carried her through the clouds back to Beteerya. There, with Cyrho’s help, Alatyiel drove away her wicked uncle and reclaimed her rightful throne.
Under her wise and compassionate rule, the kingdom flourished as never before.
The magical tower remained a beacon of hope and determination, visible to all kind-hearted souls throughout the land. Queen Alatyiel never forgot the power of inner strength and the aid of the sorceress Natura, who had made her incredible journey to freedom possible.
* thank you for reading the fairy tale, I hope you enjoyed it!
However, this is a summary of a longer version that I could not transcribe completely for reasons of space. I therefore invite you to find the elements you have just read, in the images of the set that I designed for this idea


To this purpose, to stay within the limits of the Ideas rules, I used three 8x16 white tiles with tubes on the bottom and three stickers that in an almost metaphorical way, would represent the book I designed for this set

01 It could be included in the instructions booklet
02 It could be printed separately as a real book
03 It could be offered as a digital download

04 It could be offered as a digital audiobook
01 The set aims to be a real construction challenging experience that intends to involve the adult together with the child
02 Our world is hungry for stories. There are thousands of young talents in children's fiction who could thus have a voice in a unique way. Including a short story or an unpublished fairy tale in a set is of great added value, and brings younger people closer to reading
03 The aesthetic aspect, expressed with the use of bricks, is enhanced by the narrative one with the fairy tale included
04 when it is built, the set becomes the protagonist of the adventures narrated within the short story, which the child relives by playing with it
05 although designed for interaction between adults and children, this set may be of interest to an adult audience, who appreciates a challenging construction that is satisfying and rich in details, therefore with a good display value
06 Most of the pieces used are standard and do not require an IP license, which in theory implies a low cost of the set
07 This set is conceived as particularly robust and modular, to facilitate the movement of the parts that compose it and their reassembly for a better playability
ABOVE: Chrysalis in all the assembleable parts that compose it
ABOVE:seen from below, the base has been designed to be very sturdy. It combines reinforcement points made up of brackets, together with technic bricks + pins and round tiles for a secure footholds
1: Alatyiel child
2: Alatyiel teen
3: Natura the Green Sorceress
4: Cyrho the great Genius of the Skies
5: Hadralon’s emissary 01
6: Hadralon’s emissary 02
7: Hadralon the Usurper
2996 interlocking pieces

07 minifigs

09 little animals
width  studs: 50        cm: 40        inches: 16
length studs: 43        cm: 35        inches: 14
height studs: 88        cm: 70        inches: 28
Thank you for reading this far. I extend my heartfelt appreciation for your diligence. If you found the project appealing, I hope you will consider supporting it!

in the video below you can listen to the tale narrated through the voice of a professional reader friend of mine named Bryony Helen Izzard. The video details the connection between the story and the design

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