The Mountain Temple Fortress tells the story of followers of the Green Dragon who built a temple at the entrance of Her cave. In side the cave melting snow seeps down into the caverns revealing treasures and gemstones. From their encampment, secured behind a palisade wall, the soldiers raid the surrounding countryside. Fanatical in their devotion to the Dragon they bring back tribute in hopes of gaining her favor.
I’ve built this set as castles has always been my favorite theme. I enjoyed building MOCs to flesh out the display of official sets and create a more detailed world. This is the compilation of my efforts with the Green Dragon faction, which is my personal favorite. I wanted something more than just another castle too and so here made the focus the mountain location and built around that idea.
It would make a great set as a continuation of the Castle and D&D themes. And it would fill a void of the current castle sets by reintroducing a villainous faction against the Lion Knights and Black Falcons. Has play features for younger Lego fans. While also display and nostalgic value for older collectors.