Product Idea |

The Mermaid Fountain With Dolphin And Grand Staircase


Hello creative people!

My Idea is a Historic Place, which can be implemented in custom Lego City or be on display on its own. This project is build on 32x32 baseplate and includes Fountain of the Mermaid with a Dolphin, Grand Staircase build within an old Rock, which is still partly shown. The little Park behind gives a nice view, when standing on the little bridge on top of the staircase.

The Mermaid Fountain with the Dolphin and Grand Staircase is a real tourist attraction and a must visit in the city.

I am proposing to include 3 minifigures in this set, two Tourists, who came to visit this tourist attraction:

- Girl who likes to take selfies and enjoys sightseeing in the city

- Professional Photographer who is not too lazy to carry his big camera with him on his travels, like that he gets best photos of the historic place

- Magician who is showing his skills of finding the rabbit in his top hat to the tourists and even gets on some of the tourists photographs and selfies.

This model is build with LDD and includes 903 elements.

I hope you like my idea and would imagine adding it to your creations by supporting my project.

Thanks and good luck on your Ideas as well!

PS: Here is my first, smaller, prototype of fountain idea build with available bricks full of color:

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