Tractor Pull

Hey everyone! here's my latest contest entry. It's a tractor pull.
Tractor pulling is a popular motorsport in rural areas. A highly modified farm tractor is hitched up to a weighted sled and whoever can pull the sled the farthest wins.
This build depicts a Super Farm tractor. Super Farm is tractor pulling class. Super farm tractors run on diesel fuel, and there is a 9300 pound vehicle weight limit, 640 cubic inch engine size limit, and only one turbocharger is allowed. These tractors still mange to crank out around 1300 horsepower, however.
In this build the tractor is pulling the sled down the dirt track as a crowd watches. The tractor is a modified version of the tractor I built to go with my old barn product idea ( I built the sled from scratch.
Thanks for looking at my entry!!

#tractor pull
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