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Contest Winners - LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor Contest

With a little bit of a delay, due to unforseen circumstances, we're ready to announce the winners for our LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor contest. With some incredible ingenuity paired with inspiring creativity, there were lots of entries for our judges to choose from. That being said, they have selected 4 they feel are worthy winners!

So let's see the winners:

Grand Prize Winner #1 - Build:5PORTPLANE by myibookmoe

You can easily imagine kids running around the living room with this model and playing with it This model is very ‘swooshable’ which is an important factor in LEGO models. It also uses the sensors in a unique way that we have not done with other models in the set. I (One of our judges) was so impressed with this model that I looked up the creator and found a video on YouTube with instructions and I built a copy of the plane!

Grand Prize Winner #2 - Build: Candy Cane Catapult by JKBrickworks

The design can be build with one set and would be an original fun 6 model It’s different to the other 5 models, it’s a pure invention, and it uses the sensors and motors in a different way. It can throw the candy very far! That really cool It can easily be modified to deliver candy at halloween, throw eggs at easter, all sorts.

Runner Up Winner #1 - Concept: T-Boy (Tea Making Robot) by foton

It would make a great 6th model (if we could build it out of one set) as it shows that LEGO can be used to make fun life hacks as well as awesome robots. The slide (from LEGO Friends?) for the sugar cubes could be the best detail! :)

Runner Up Winner #2 - Build:Planting Machine by Alien Alex

The Planting Machine is a clever model that optimizes the process of planting through well thought out functions that works on different parts of the job simultaneously. Maybe this machine will be a blueprint for the machines that will help the forest of our planet grow in the future.


Please make sure to congratulate all the winners below as mentioned!

Randomly Drawn Winners

As you know, there are also two entries which are selected as winners in this contest! These were selected randomly by popping all the people's usernames who submitted entries into a random generator and running it twice. And don't worry, usernames were only in there once, so users who submitted more than one entry didn't gain an unfair advantage. We removed the first winner before running it a second time.

Random Winner #1 - Concept: ROLLY - Lego Ball Roller Game Board by Twoji_daddy

Random Winner #2 - Build: DrumWolf - The Drummer and Dancer I Missed So Much - by RuTechBrothers

What's Next? 

So the Design an Iconic Ferrari Poster winners are due to be announced tomorrow, as are the winners of the Build a Ghost You Are Afraid Of contest. If you're looking to submit something, then look no further than our We love sports! contest, which has everything to do with, you guessed it; sports! I'd also like to remind you all if you'd like to do some building, that you can alway's check out our activities.

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  • contest winners
  • winner announcement
  • mindstorm
  • mindstorms
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  • mindstorms contest

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