Over the last weeks, the LEGO Ideas platform has been bursting with nostalgia and fans reminiscing over their favourite themes. Today we close the contest that saw your passion for everything Castle. With well over 400 submissions based on your favourite Castle sets in micro-scale, we've been impressed with the overall quality of these.
To remind you, judges will choose just one Grand Prize winner, following the below criteria:
- Overall coolness and originality: 25%
- Most inspired details: 25%
- Relevance to contest theme: 25%
- Best use of LEGO elements: 25%
The results of the contest will be shared together with the result of the remaining four 90th anniversary contests no later than August 10th, 2022.
We recently launched this contest asking for the best posters of the Jazz Quartet to celebrate the latest LEGO Ideas set! But for those of you who wish to continue celebrating our 90th Anniversary then you can do so through the 90th Anniversary: Space Celebrations contest.
Not to mention Activites which are always open.