Welcome back to the 10K Club Pablo Sánchez (aka Bricky_Brick on LEGO Ideas)! This time around Pablo enters the 10K Club with yet another of his highly detailed creations, although this time focused within the crossroads of architecture and infrastructure. It's The Train Station: Studgate! Time for you to learn more about the man behind this creation and please be sure to congratulate him in the comments below too!
About Yourself
- Who are you?
My name is Pablo Sánchez:
- Where are you from?
I´m from Madrid (Spain).
- How old are you?
- What do you do for a living?
I´m camera operator and Director in some productions.
- What hobbies do you have?
My main hobby is LEGO, I suppose that as an AFOL it is now a hobby but also the toy with which I started, I have seen its evolution and it is inevitable not to include it as a way of life. I am also passionate about photography, music, comics and cinema. And need to add bicycles and travel, that I forgot to add the last time.
- Do you have a personal LEGO portfolio website that you can share with us?
Yes, I try to take advantage of social networks, some more than others. In this case I used Instagram to announce the recent projects. I also have a small shelter on Facebook where from time to time I share something of what I am doing. And a YouTube channel. Still I have to organize because there are many projects presented and it is difficult to promote all creations equally, day by day I add something to the portfolio and share it as long as it is not designing a new project. I think my best portfolio is currently in LEGO Ideas website.
- Have you created any LEGO MOCs (my own creations) that you’re particularly proud of? What is it, why are you proud it and do you have a photo of it?
Not alone. The last one was a joint collaboration with Corvus auriac to carry out a micro scale of the Vienna Stock Exchange, a 10,000-piece project with 16 hours of assembly!
- How and when did your interest for LEGO come about?
My interest in LEGO was for a reason that now as an adult I understand. It gave me the possibility to create what I wanted, and that for a child is spectacular. I was 4 when I received one of my first sets, Ice Cream Cart (6601), and later the airport (6392).
- What is LEGO for you? What does it mean for you? How does it fit in your life? E.g. build, display, meetups, play the games.. or 'just' watch the cartoons.
LEGO for me is an escape from a difficult world, in which once inside the LEGO world, you can make it easy. It is a way of life, an expression of our mind reflected in bricks. In relation to video games I think it is the physical part helps see better than if it fully digital.
- What is your favourite LEGO theme (current or past)? Why? And has any theme inspired your building style or preference in any particular way?
If I have to choose I would stay with LEGO Space. Futuron, Mtron, Blacktron, Space Police, and Parallel to it: Pirates!! It was fun to mix them to make space pirates. In fact, this model has space elements such as dome-shaped pieces and the big side windows.
- What is your favourite official LEGO set? Why?
Maybe 6990 Futuron monorail. I think I was 5 years old, I thought it was something spectacular and with time I realized that it has some exclusive pieces nowadays, and I'm happy to use them now, two or three years later 6399 Airport Shuttle entered in the market and with my new monorail tracks already I could extend the model throughout the room!
- What is your favourite LEGO element? Why?
It is a difficult question because I do not want to hurt the feelings of other pieces. They all have their function. But there is one that has solved many problems for me and Emmet has it on his back, 15444 . With it you can build in two directions. Personally I see it very useful together with the piece 32952. Another piece to add is 41682 bracket. It's very useful too.
- Is there a LEGO designer (official LEGO designer or fan designer) who you are inspired by and look up to? Who and why?
In the last interview I mentioned great designers. In this one I will do the same with other great designers that inspire like Jamie Berard for his incredible creativity and fascinating models. I also need to mention Mike Psiaki, Niels Pedersen and Cesar Soares. I wanted to dedicate a few words to Danish designer Jens Nygard for the magical legacy of a silhouette that will remain in the memory of children and adults.
- Is there one or more particular LEGO related websites (not official LEGO websites) that you visit often and/or are inspired by?
I usually visit Bricklink and Brickset a lot to know the existence of pieces, models, colors, news of new products, chronology of the sets, etc. Today there is a lot of information and generally saturated, but there are certain pages that maintain that journalistic vein and the love for its content.
About Your Project
- Where did your interest in this particular model come from?
I live near Atocha station in Madrid, and I also like everything related to trains and models, I took the concept of the exterior of the station applying it to my way of building. Additionally, the importance of ancient elements of space sets such as dome-shaped pieces.
- How long was the process of making the project did, and what did you have to research as well. What kind of prep, research and design phases did you go through to produce your creation?
The project was done in a week or so and I had to assess the type of baseplate to use. In my opinion the first phase is the observation, the second the "why" of the elements used and the third to build the model with LEGO elements.
- What special challenges did you face creating the model? What was the most difficult part to recreate?
Perhaps the distribution and weight loads of the building, I have tried to distribute it with small buttresses or supports so that the weight of the vault is better distributed!
- If you could talk to yourself before you started on this project, what would you tell him/her? What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
Maybe the decision to place the scene in the past with a steam engine instead of an electric car of the 21st century.
- How long did it take to complete the model? Did you finish it fairly quickly, or did it take a long time? And how did the build time compare to the time you spent promoting your Product Idea to reach 10,000 supporters?
I finished the project in about a week including the renderings and texts, I had some clear ideas and that made it easier for me to start faster. Other projects I start and I leave them to take them back in time, but this was not the case. Regarding construction time vs. promoting time, it is normally unbalanced, since getting the necessary support takes many months, up to more than a year.
- How did it feel when you reached the magic 10,000 votes and how long did it take?
The first thing I thought about is all the people who supported the project because without them I would not be speaking now, and I think I have the responsibility to answer for them and say that they are the pillars of my constructions and those of many other builders. It has been practically like a childbirth, the duration has been of 9 months to obtain the appreciation of 10000 people to whom I appreciate the support. So I´m very happy with my baby.
- Approximately how many LEGO bricks did you use to create your model?
Last piece count was 2988 pieces.
- What is your favourite building technique or part/section that you’ve incorporated into your Product Idea?
The catwalk for disabled people is a simple hinge system and neccesary for people who need it. Also I guess the distribution of the weight of the vault, and then in certain details, the tables with umbrellas or leaf stud seen on the front as a black rivet. Also the small tribute to the Ice cream cart set (6601) mentioned on another occasion.
- If you built your model digitally, what software did you use to build and render your model?
I usually use LDD and Studio for design and Studio for renders.
- If you used custom stickers or prints for your design, how did you create them or where did you get them?
Yes, I customize parts in a Studio-related software where you can redesign parts and include decals or prints. I make the prints with Photoshop.
About LEGO Ideas
- Do you have any useful advice about creating a successful LEGO Ideas project?
I still think that are things that come from the heart. You see when a project appeals to you, it catches your attention, there are things that at first glance you do not understand, but if you examine deeply you start to see the reasons why you like that idea. So, I could say that a piece of advice for your idea to work is to believe in yourself but without forgetting whom you dedicate the idea. The diffusion in other media is also an important but less fun part. But if your project touches the sensitive fiber of who sees it, I assure you that you will have many fans and you won't need the media.
- What (if any) methods did you use to advertise and attract support to your Product Idea?
When I see something nice I support it. But to see it you have to advertise it, and it is not always easy because the main support pages are saturated with many projects and you have to find the specific audience of your model. If you make a pirate model it is not practical to advertise it on a support page dedicated to Futuron.
- What is your favourite LEGO Ideas Product Idea (besides your own of course)? Are there any Product Ideas you think have been overlooked?
I like many of the ideas, but if I have to choose, I'll take the Saturn V by Saabfan and whatsuptoday. A model that at first glance I liked a lot, but when I saw the redesign, the firmness and the internal structure I put the first one in my top ten. I need to add The Old Fishing Store and The Tree House. There are many good ideas that deserve to be official, but I understand that it would be unfeasible to produce 100 LEGO Ideas a year.
- What is it about the platform that attracts you? What tips would you give to anyone who is thinking about uploading an idea?
I find a very good feedback between LEGO and customers. And just being able to share a creation that you value with a lot of people around the world is nice, you can comment on other creations and give your opinion, since it is a very important part to work in a group and also leave the creative bubble that can sometimes be negative if we lock ourselves. This is only a part, the contest adds more fun and without realizing it, we can be in the top ten most voted creations. It is a platform that helps you to value yourself, to see that your work either as a hobby or profession can be rewarded by a lot of people who value you every time they click the support button. Many times we convince ourselves that our idea is very good but we have not left us yet. We must go out and ask what we do not see, possibly make you see why you are wrong or maybe you are on the right way. My recommendation is to listen, but not only for this, also for the day by day in our lives too.
- Do you have plans to submit any other Product Ideas in the future? If yes, can you give us a hint what that might be?
Yes, surely, I have some ideas stored in the refrigerator, but I still think about how to prepare them in the pan. Fun, fear and emotions can be something to see in an amusement park. Thank you very much to the LEGO community