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New Challenge - Design The Dungeons & Dragons Building Instructions Cover!

We’re all looking forward to the release of ‘Dragon’s Keep: Journey’s End’ by BoltBuilds. But imagine opening the box and finding your artwork as the cover on the building instructions! 

For our next challenge, we're calling for artists to create designs that show off the best of Dungeons & Dragons. It could be worlds, characters, battles or anything else you feel represents 50 years of this game. 

Your entries should: 

  • Be at least 270mm x 192mm in size and 300 DPI. Larger submissions should be in the same ratio. 
  • Have space for featuring the LEGO Logo and the Dungeons & Dragons Logo (Any other details like legal lines etc.) 
  • Be Dungeons & Dragons art and not feature LEGO elements or be in a LEGO element style. 
  • You may draw, use photos or use editing software to create your designs. But all work must be original and your own. 

If you are the Selected Designer of this challenge, you will receive the following: 

  • The opportunity to have YOUR design as the Building Instructions cover art! 
  • 5 copies of the set, with YOUR art on the building instructions, based on Dragons Keep: A Journey’s End

ENTRY DEADLINE: Submit your entry no later than May 2nd 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST.  If you’re not sure what time zone you’re in, here’s a  time zone converter. 


Head on over to the challenge page to read the challenge rules and get started! And good luck! If you have any questions drop them in the comments down below.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast LLC and is used with permission. ©2023 Wizards of the Coast.

  • dungeons
  • dragons
  • dungeons and dragons
  • challenge

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