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Winner Announcement – If we could turn back time Challenge

It’s time for a hefty dose of nostalgia as we announce the winners from our epic 80s challenge! 

Earlier in the year we launched our 80s-themed challenge ‘If we could turn back time’ and were blown away by all the amazing ‘292’ submissions!  There was everything you could possibly imagine, from Bob Ross and the Blues Brothers to Inspector Gadget and Garfield. We were spoilt for choice with a wide selection of 80s characters, movies, moments, and memorabilia! In fact, the nostalgia was so strong the mullet finally came back into fashion!

We then asked you all to cast your votes for your favourite designs, in fact, the lineup was so impressive we decided it to run two rounds of voting so we could have two winners! 

So, without further ado here are the models that will be made into LEGO Ideas sets! 

Meet the winning models 

First up, let us offer a big congratulations as we set sail for an epic adventure with The Goonies (1985) by Delusion Brick. Capturing all those on-screen moments from booby traps to the legendry ship of One-eyed Willy. This model depicts the entire ‘Goonies’ adventure in one well-thought-out model. 




Now sit tight and keep that applause coming as we introduce to you a very cute interruption of the beloved Gizmo from Gremlins as created by terauma. As a family favourite, Christmas viewing for terauma it was no surprise the model has so much passion and attention to detail poured into this memorable character. 


A huge congratulations to both our winners, each model really does embody the spirit of the 80s! We would also like to thank the other 290 submissions, you raised the bar once again! 

What happens now?

These submissions will join the other products we have in development. Right now, we don't have details to share about the final model, but as always, we'll be sure to let you know as soon as we can once we get closer to launch.  

  • 80s
  • 1980
  • challenge
  • winner announcement

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