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Introducing LEGO® Ideas 21306 Yellow Submarine

Let’s all live in a Yellow Submarine with The Beatles! After spending months submerged the Yellow Submarine has re-surfaced and it has brought along the first official images of the LEGO® Ideas 21306 Yellow Submarine. 

You can find this iconic submarine and its legendary passengers in stores from the 1st of November, 2016 for a recommended retail price of USD 59.99 / EUR 59,99 / GBP 49.99. The set consists of over 550 LEGO bricks including the 4 minifigures representing John, Paul, George and Ringo, as well as a Jeremy figure, and is an ideal gift for fans of LEGO building and The Beatles alike, with great opportunities for role play or as a colorful, retro display piece

Here is the official description:

Take a surreal trip under the seas in the LEGO® version of the Yellow Submarine from the iconic 1968 animated musical fantasy film inspired by The Beatles. Ideal for display or role-play fun, the Yellow Submarine features loads of cool, authentic details including a cockpit for the included minifigures of John, Paul, George and Ringo.

Kevin Szeto's motivation for creating the Yellow Submarine

"As an amateur musician and songwriter, I have always been drawn to the music of The Beatles. The creation of the Yellow Submarine model was really my way of showing my affection for The Beatles, as well as trying to pay a small tribute to The Beatles phenomenon. The Yellow Submarine is bright, fun, and colourful, which also made it a good subject to translate into LEGO form", Kevin said as he shared his motivations for building the Yellow Submarine.

Justin Ramsden's (LEGO designer) motivations were also very much centred around his love for the iconic band, as he was given the opportunity to refine Kevin's initial model. “I€ watched€ the€ film€ when€ I€ was€ younger€ and€ was €really €inspired€ by €how €it €oozed€ so€ much€ imagination€ –€ comparable€ to€ how€ I€ view€ LEGO€ elements.Š €I’m €also €a €massive €fan €of €The€ Beatles ˆ€having €grown€ up€ with €their €music€ all€ my €life ˆ€so €to €see €The €Beatles €in €LEGO €form €is€ a €dream €come €true.



  • lego ideas
  • yellow submarine
  • the beatles
  • 21306

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