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New Contest: Build Your LEGO Ideas Logo

We’re excited to invite you to participate in a new type of activity on LEGO Ideas: a building contest. Today we're launching Contests (beta) and kicking it off with the Build Your LEGO Ideas Logo contest! We're giving away the current LEGO Ideas assortment signed by the set designers to one lucky Grand Prize winner, and a "NASA Pack" featuring a signed Apollo 11 Saturn V and Women of NASA to the second and third place winners.

Why this contest?

Our previous community, LEGO CUUSOO, started in Japan in 2008. In 2018, we will celebrate ten years of crowdsourcing LEGO sets! Our first contest invites you to build your own LEGO Ideas logo. We’ll use images of the winning entries as we celebrate this important milestone next year.

How will this work?

Contests will have their own rules separate from the LEGO Ideas Guidelines, which are meant for Projects. Since the Contest feature is still in beta, some details may evolve over time. We’ve revised the site Terms of Service to support the new Contest feature. Questions? Check out our Contest Beta FAQ.

What are you waiting for?

Head on over to the Contest Beta page to read the contest rules and get started.

  • contest
  • beta
  • logo

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