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Sackboy's Ship (Little Big Planet)

Milestone missed

This Product Idea didn’t make it to the next milestone in time.

Before the great Minecraft Boom, Little Big Planet was the place people could let their imaginations run wild! Thousands of people shared their various worlds and used all the tools in strange and obscure ways to create all kinds of cool things from minigames to story maps to art.

This set is based off of the main menu hub in Little Big Planet. The menu takes places in a big carboard spaceship with a Playstation 3 remote as your control panel. You can decorate your ship as you want or travel from world to world playing through the story, checking out fan creations, or making your own!

With so much creativity, just like Minecraft, I think a Little Big Planet set would fit great with the Lego brand and hopefully it will draw in an audience, especially older ones who grew up with Little Big Planet.

This set also comes with a Sackboy lego minifigure!

  • #littlebigplanet
  • #playstation 3
  • #playstation
  • #videogame
  • #sackboy

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