This is my secong LEGO Olympics set. I hope that in the near future, LEGO will release a range of educational Olympic-style sets with different Olympian minifags and a booklet about the athletes and the event. This time, I have made the cycling event.

Here are three generic olympian minifigs. In the official sets, tthe minifigs would be based on real athletes. If you are not in to cycling, please have a look at my fencing event idea!
Here are the three olympic bikes, all colour-coded to match their rider. perhaps LEGO could make a new design for the bikes in the real set?
Here is the slope that the bikers ride down to get the best start. i don't know that much about the event myself so if you can help make the scenery more realistic, please leave me a comment.
Thnak you for viewing this project. i shall be releasing more soon so please check regularly if you are interested in my idea!