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Coldplay Music of the Spheres World Tour Diorama

Idea didn't pass our review

Great job on getting 10,000 supporters! While this idea didn’t qualify to become a LEGO Ideas set, we loved reviewing it. Happy building to the creator on their next project!

With roughly 78 million monthly listeners on Spotify, Coldplay are biggest band on the planet. They are currently undertaking their Music of the Spheres World Tour, which has been attended by 7.66 million people (so far). Not only do they make fantastic music, but they also lead the industry in sustainability for touring and they spread the message "Believe in Love" wherever they go. Because of this, I have been inspired to design this diorama of the main stage and a side build of the "C-Stage" from the tour as a tribute to the amazing work they do! From confetti to fireworks and colourful lights, I have tried to encapsulate the feel of the tour into this small and colourful set which I am proud to ask for your support for. Please support my project to further show Coldplay how much they mean to people across the globe! Chris, Guy, Johnny, Will (and Phil of course) this is a tribute to the amazing work you have done since 1997!
  • #coldplay
  • #diorama
  • #instrument
  • #concert
  • #rock
  • #music
  • #band
  • #drum
  • #bass
  • #guitarist

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