Thank you for 10k!
We did it! I can't believe we hit 10,000 supporters, especially in under two weeks! Thank you so much to everyone who supported, shared, and had faith in this project! This project received so much positive support from both the LEGO and Avatar communities, as well as constructive feedback that I used to make key updates. Extra shoutout to those of you that shared this project across social media and to friends, and especially just2good for highlighting my project the day after it was submitted :) You guys made this all possible!
So many of you have also asked about Suki, and I would love to have her appear in this set. Unfortunately, I didn't want to risk putting too many minifigures in this submission, so I left her out - hopefully if this set is green-lit, she will find her way in somehow :) Furthermore, I'd like to correct a super embarrassing typo in the main description - of course I meant "Earthbending" instead of "rockbending" :) It was a little late when I was writing the description, and this set blew up so fast that I wasn't able to edit it after the 30-day gap between edits. Sorry about that, but we're all human and make mistakes :)
Anyways, thank you all so much! Hopefully we can bring back LEGO Avatar: The Last Airbender!
P.S.If you are a LEGO news source that covers 10k projects, please DM me through my Instagram (linked in my Ideas profile) so I can send you update, higher resolution images :) These images have updated minifigure designs and extra builds not pictured in the images above. Thanks!
Updated Images for News Sources
If you are a LEGO news source that covers projects that hit 10,000 supporters and would like to cover mine, please send me a message through Instagram (linked in my Ideas profile) with your email address included so I can send you the files for updated, higher resolution images of this project. These updated images include updated minifigure designs as well as extra builds not shown in the main images.
Thank you! :)
Thank you for 7,500!
Thank you all so much for 7,500+ supporters! We are 3/4ths of the way to 10k, and I know we'll make it :) Extra thank you to the enourmous amount of people who have helped share and spread the word on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube - thanks to you all, we can finally bring back LEGO Avatar!
The set is complete!
Here's the entire set! :)
Aang's Glider join the set!
Aang's Glider is now a part of this set!
Thank you for 5,000 Supporters!
Thank you all for 5,000 supporters! This is no easy feat - in my years of working on LEGO Ideas projects, never had I had a project hit 5,000 supporters, let alone as fast as less than a week! I owe it all to you guys - everyone who supported, those who shared and reposted on social media, and my followers for showing deep passion for this set idea!
Thank you, and let's finish this strong as we aim for 10k!
Cabbage Man joins Team Avatar!
Feed Appa with cabbages from the Cabbage Guy!
Thank you for 2,500!
An incredible thank you to all those who have supported and shared this project! We've hit 2,500 supporters in just over a day which is insane, and it's all thanks to the wonderful LEGO and Avatar: The Last Airbender communities :)
We're still far from 10k, so we need to keep sharing like crazy! Share it to your friends, to your family, to your followers, or to the guy sitting next to you on the bus; everyone's vote matters!
Thank you all, and I'll see you at 5,000!