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The Miramare Castle

This is the most famous castle in the upper Adriatic, welcome to the home of Massimiliano and Carlotta, members of the Habsburg family and owners of the Miramare castle. With this set you can visit a small part of the castle's garden, the pier and the castle's personal sphinx, then you can walk around the building on the cliff it overlooks and see the beautiful clock tower. Then if you enter you can visit the library and the bedroom of Massimiliano, identical as his bedroom in his beloved ship, then visit Carlotta's little living room. Then you can go up the stairs and get to the second floor where you find a small fountain, the you can visit the throne room of Massimiliano, his desk where he signed his death accepting the rule of emperor of Mexico (place where he will sadly be killed) near the desk you will find the flag of the Austrian Empire.
I designed this set because its one of the most importat landmarks of my city, Trieste. My city its little but it has a lot of beautiful landmarks (it was the third most important city of the Austrian Empire) that I think should be known worldwide, so i thought it would be fun designing a set for my city.
I think this would be a fantastic set because it's simple but beautiful, and it can be a building experience that can be enjoyed by everyone. This set can easily fit in a lot of homes and it can be fun (I think that a lot of people would enjoy looking at the enterior every once in a while).
I've been trying to design a set for my city since 2021 ( with a set that I'm still designing).
Another citizen of Trieste tried to design a beautiful landmark, the Tram of Opicina, I was inspired by him and my dad (that has a big passion for Lego) so I hope that this set will gain the support it needs to become a real, official and beautiful Lego set.

Total amount of pieces 1759.

Width: 40.9 CM, 16.1 Inches.
Length: 30.4 CM, 12 Inches.
Height: 18.9 CM, 7.4 Inches.
  • #architecture
  • #town
  • #history
  • #castle
  • #display
  • #house

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