Product Idea |



Alternative Build to Use Less Tiles

This set of course has to include a large amount of letter tiles. You need to have all 26 letters, each of which could appear in any of the 6 words, and most can appear twice or even three times in a single word (e.g. MELEE or PIZZA). So if we go with an average of 2.5 of each letter for all 6 words, that would require 390 letter tiles. Now multiply that by 3 since you have white, yellow, and green tiles and you get 1,170 letter tiles. Not only would this be expensive to produce, but it would make it very difficult to find letters.

So I'd like to introduce a solution that only requires 390 white letter tiles. While it doesn't look as elegant, allowing the use trans-yellow and trans-green flags to cover the white tiles creates a much smaller set, and a much easier game to play. So here is a second design option that could be used for this set:

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