Product Idea |

The Old Town Arch



I am delighted to introduce you to @the invisible brick!

The invisible brick is represented by a customizes minifigure, which is created out of
  • part #3003 in trans-clear for his (brick)head
  • part #973pb2035 in red for the torso
  • part #981/983 in green for the right arms and hands
  • part #981/983 in white for the left arms and hands
  • part #970cc00 in white for the legs

  • part #62810 in black for the hair
  • part #3626bpb0628 for the head
  • part #973pb0298 in red for the torso
  • part #981/983 in red for the arms as well as in yellow for the hands
  • part #970cc00 in dark blue for the legs

He also appeared already in another of my creations - La Belle Ruelle - where he revealed his identity, which looks as following:
  • part #3003 in trans-clear for his (brick)head
  • part #973pb2035 in red for the torso
  • part #981/983 in green for the right arms and hands
  • part #981/983 in white for the left arms and hands
  • part #970cc00 in white for the legs

His „secret identity“ minifigure was designed by himself, to give me the opportunity to give him a more everyday role in my model. Anyway, that wasn't necessary here fot "The Old Town Arch". You will see soon why. But first a little about @the invisible brick himself:

The invisible brick is a passionat fan of space and LEGO, which is perfectly combined in the Classic Space theme or generally speaking in LEGO Space! He is an active fan designer who participates on a regulary basis in Challenges and Activities!
His space designs are very impressive and outstanding, and he is probably one of the best designers of this genre here on LEGO Ideas.

Currently, his amazing MashUp Madness: Space Pirate Knight's leads the ranking of all 344 contribution of the challenge over all categories.

If this is not impressive enough, here are some examples of his other works:

Visit his profile and check out his awesome work: @the invisible brick

I admire his creations! Therefore, I would really appreciate if you would check them out and like them, if you feel so. They are truly inspiring, why it is worth taking time for it! He also would be happy about a comment under his challenge entry of the current challenge!

Before I forget to mention, in my model he is the bestseller costume in the shop window 😁:

I hope you enjoyed the update. The next character will be introduced with around 750 supporters. Depands on the progress. Until then,




After many formalities, the time had finally come! Today the mayor officially opened the Info Point after renovations. The city has decided on a new Info-i. It is a round design that can be rotated, so it should be clearly visible from far and wide! Here are a few photos from the town taken by a drone:

Interestingly, there was so much excitement about the redesign of the info point that a completely new building was built next to it. However, I hope you like it! 😆

Have fun! 🥳


AWESOME! 242 SUPPORTERS AND 410 DAYS STILL LEFT! And here something happens ...

A truck has arrived at the construction site. It is obviously loaded with new parts for the info point. This means that the time spent waiting for the mobile crane should soon be over... if there weren't a few formalities to be taken care of.

There is obviously a 16-day waiting period for projects of this kind that even the mayor can't speed up and then of course there is the inspection process by the responsible building authorities. But I think the wait will be worth it.

In the meantime, as always, HAVE FUN! 🥳

The story will be continued ...



Last time I have asked you, if I should edit the project for changing the "i" logo on the roof of the info point! Frankly, I haven't edited the project yet. You may ask why. But, there is a simple reason: @Monsieur Greenhorn made me aware, that such a re-work needs heavy duty machinery. He suggested to use the mobile crane form LEGO City set #60026. That’s why I thought nothing could be simpler. I will order a crane! The good news, the crane still arrived!

However, the Tourist Information Association and the Mayor of LEGO Town have not made their decision yet. Now, of course, critical voices could say that these politicians are delaying everything unnecessarily and costing the poor citizens of LEGO Town unnecessary money, as the crane also has to be paid for waiting. However, the mayor is also aware of how much passion went into the design of the current 3D logo.

These are the alternatives:

Most votes went to D, followed by B. Both are easily recognizable from a distance for tourists and people looking for information about the city.
If a decision is not made soon, the crane will have to leave without accomplishing anything. We'll wait and see.

Finally, I would also like to use the opportunity to thank @tsiliegirl, @Skwiggle and @Monsieur Greenhorn who gave me good advice on this topic.
Especially, I wanna highlight @Monsieur Greenhorn, who has a very outstanding project running and is constantly updating it with a lot of dedication, commitment and passion. Take a look ont his Classic Space Baby Commant Base and don't miss to check out for the amazing updates! Don't forget to vote!

Have fun! 🥳


AWESOME! 163 SUPPORTERS AND 417 DAYS STILL LEFT! This is excellent, if there weren’t one small but…

I have received some feedback about the infopoint building and the seemingly barely recognizeable "i" on the roof! Frankly, I like it the way it is. It is a large, highly visible "i" (information) from afar, that should be obvious to tourists and people seeking help!

However, I have received feedback that this 3D symbol is distracting, so I would like to ask you if I should change the "i" by editing the project. Therefore, I have prepared 4 variants including the original one. I would be very grateful if you could tell me in the comments which variant you would choose and why. Thx a lot!

Variant A (original model)

Variant B (simple cube with an info logo on each side)

Variant C (small and more straight "i")

Variant D (a round, rotary sign)

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support and help!!!

Have fun!



As a small thank you, I want to tell you a little about the history of this creation, as well as an explanation why "The Foutain Place" was released almost at the same time.

Frankly, both creations were originally set up as one combined creation. Unfortunatelly, the model became to big (Ideas submission are restricted to a maximum of 3000 parts). The final version counted more than 4800 parts and looked like this:

Although the “Old Town Arch” was planned as the second building in the original model, I had a few very concrete thoughts about it right from the start. I knew very similar archs from old elegant and stylish period buildings, which is why I just had to create something similar out of LEGO.
So, everything started with the eponymous basic idea for the creation of "The Old Town Arch" (below a picture of the beginning - the first ideas were already realized).

Additionally, It was very fast clear to me, that I want to design a costume shop in the basefloor of this building. And I knew already, that the creation should be place on a 32 x 32 plus a 32 x 16 baseplate, because of the two building (in this case The Fountain Place was replaced by an information point to reduce the number of parts). 
Beside the arch itself, the costume shop should be an highlight an an eye-cathcer! Additionalll, it should arouse the interest of fans of mini figures. Because the shop offers the unique possibility to include seldom outfits and accessoirs from various themesin just one set. This would also be a cool option, if this project would succeed at the end, to start an voting activity for selection of the manequines. Originally, I even wanted to include Star Wars mannequins, but @tsiliegirl pointed out to me in time that Star Wars is a forbidden IP, which is why it would not be released. So I changed the following:

To this:

The rest almost happened on its own, with the help of a few LEGO friends. But that's another story... [to be continued] 😁

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