
Shell Gas Station

Milestone missed

This Product Idea didn’t make it to the next milestone in time.

You might be wondering to yourself - Tim, you silly billy, why did you build a gas station out of LEGO? Well, I'll tell you. A few weeks ago, I drove by a brand-new Shell gas station and I saw a part of the roof that I knew could be recreated perfectly with LEGO bricks. Once it was in my head, I couldn't let it go. Fast-forward a week later, and I had completed my own minifigure scale gas station, complete with Shell decals, 4 gas pumps, food mart and car wash, classic ice machine, air pump, propane tanks, and much more.

But back to the original question, why spend time and effort building a gas station out of LEGO bricks? Quite simply, I love seeing something from our world recreated accurately and beautifully in LEGO, whether it's the architecture or a simple gas station. LEGO bricks are a wonderful art form, and I am passionate about building and using them well, so no matter what I build, I know I'll be proud of it. Hence, I present to you this Shell gas station. I think it would be an elite edition to any modular town.

+ 2500 pieces
+ 48 x 48 baseplate
+ 8 stud wide car wash with spinning side brushes/top brush; dryers
+ 6 stud wide gas lanes
+ Clearance: 16 bricks
+ 100% clout
  • #vehicle
  • #city
  • #town
  • #building
  • #gas
  • #gas station
  • #car
  • #shop
  • #shell yes
  • #modular

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