Paving Machine
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Since the beginning of LEGO City, different types of vehicles and construction machineries have appeared in different sizes and forms. We had trucks, diggers, excavators, cranes and cement mixers. A few years ago it was released even a drum roller. Time has passed and many other types of machineries got upgrades or new versions. Now I have the honour to introduce you a new vehicle that can be part of the City Series: Paving Machine!
This machine works on the same priciples as a real one: the asphalt is added from a dump truck into the paver's hopper and then its transported by a conveyor to the screed. I have to admit that some parts were very challenging to design in order to make it look as real as possible. The screed (that element that provides a smooth uniform surface on the road) is much more complex in reality, having some extention elements that allow a much bigger paving surface and also make possible to transport the machine in one piece. The conveyor in this model it's working, being connected with some pieces with the front wheels of the machine. When the paver moves forward, the conveyor is moving the material to the screed.
When it comes to the structure, this paver has following properties:
- 309 bricks, including the operators
- all main elements that can be found on a real paver
- rotating hopper elements
- screed that can be moved up and down
- working conveyor that goes through the machine
Since the number of bricks is quite small, a real assembley would not require very advanced skills and of course the price for this set wold be a decent one. The model is designed with as many moving elements as possible to make it more playable. I tried my best when it comes to recreating a real paver and I hope that you will like this as much as I do 😁😁
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