The governors mansion
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The first modular pirates building:
I like the old and new pirates theme, but there was never a modular building of the imperial soldiers. So I build one myself and I hope you like it as much as I do. Please support this project and help me to bring this MOC in the stores and on internet. So everyone can enjoy it, like I do. Thank you all.
The Governor El Dinero keeps his large treasures in the heavily guarded basement. There is also a bad lieutenant who wants to become governor himself. He has a lot of bad ideas to reach his goal as soon as possible.
- weight: 2 kg
- lenght : 34cm
- height: 30 cm
- A ladder to climb down to all the treasures and treasurmaps.
- A dead pirate who wants to steal the treasure a long time ago.
First floor:
- the entrance to the treasures in the basement and the second floor.
- a porch at the backside of the mansion where the guards can rest and drink rum.
- a small lift with winch, to bring al the treasures inside the mansion.
- the equipment of the imperial guards
Second floor:
- a prison to keep pirates.
- the office of the governor and a treasure map collection.
- a fire place.
- the canon can shoot in an angle of 220 degrees.
- a ladder for the outpost at the third floor.
- governor El Dinero
- a bad lieutenant
- 7 imperial guards
- a pirate in prison and a dead pirate in the basement
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