Product Idea |

Avengers Helicarrier


Data sheet label

Data sheet label




Phil Coulsen
Maria Hill
Black Widow
Nick Fury
I don't know how to make custom figures, so I've made these characters with the parts which are already in the LDD.
I'm sorry for low quality of figures.


Work completion!!

I've completed a work reducing the Helicarrier's size. 

120cm x 70.4cm

47.2 inches x 27.7 inches

6700 bricks







Modifying the design to reduce its size.

Modifying the design to reduce its size.



Modifying the design to reduce its size.

I am redesigning the Helicarrier (reducing its size)

The size of the redesigned model will lie somwhere between the size of 10030 and 10221. (about 120cm = 47.2 inches)

Thank you in advance for your continuing interest in the Hellicarrier. : )




I'm cosidering modifying the design to reduce its size.

Thank you for your support and comments.
I also think that this Helicarrier is too big to get made into a set 
and I need to work more on weight and durability.

I'm cosidering modifying the design to reduce its size. Thank you in advance for your continuing interest in the Hellicarrier. : )

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