Note to moderators: The model contains over 4500 parts and 14 minifigures, as well as primarily brick built figures of 3 Junimos (printed minifigure heads) and Krobus (minifigure legs with brick built upper body). Previously it did include 15 minifigures but I have removed one to put it inside of the requested minifigure ratio. If needed I can remove one more but I believe this follows your rules and I would prefer not to cut anymore characters. Thank you.
About Stardew Valley:
Stardew Valley is a Indie farming simulator released in 2016 and created by solo developer ConcernedApe aka Eric Barone. It quickly became a cult hit for its relaxing gameplay, immersive storyline and distinctive and charming music and artstyle. Its core gameplay revolves around earning money by fishing, foraging and farming and improving your late grandfather's farm while befriending and learning about the villagers of the neighboring Pelican Town. It's one of the best games I've ever played so I've done my best to recreate it. I hope you enjoy.
About my Model:
My model is a detailed LEGO version of the games central hub, Pelican Town. It features some of the most distinctive buildings and characters in a distinctly brickified style. While I unfortunately could not fit every amazing location from the game (although perhaps I will another time), I tried to capture buildings that went well together as well as were significantly unique and important to the storyline of the game. It contains just over 4500 parts.
Pierre's and The Stardew Clinic
Pierre's General Store and Harvey's Clinic are two of the most important stores in Stardew Valley. Pierre's allows you to purchase seeds and other items while Harvey's allows the purchase of healing items. They also have one of the most unique looks of any location in the series because of the contrasting colours and joint design. This building was a challenge for me, mostly because of the oddly shaped roof design, but the final result still has enough space for an interior, featuring Harvey's waiting room and reception desk and Pierre's store, along with Abigail's upper floor bedroom. The outside features a variety of flora as well as the board where the calendar and special requests are posted in-game.
The Community Centre
Arguably the most influential location in the entirety of Stardew Valley, the Community Centre is a central hub for the main quest line of the game: collecting rare items to restore the dilapidated community centre back into it's former glory. My model features the centre in it's repaired state, and so features a completed board of stars over the fireplace and full furnishings including a couch, book shelf, bulletin board and fish tank.
The Stardrop Saloon
The building where you often find the townsfolk gathered at the end of the day as well as purchase food items and recipes, the Stardrop Saloon has a bar with stools as well as decorative wall art like a cow skull. In the corner there is a small arcade machine, representing the long and painful hours spent trying to beat the twin arcade "minigames" featured in the saloon: Journey of the Prairie King and Junimo Cart.
The Museum and Library:
The in game location where you deposit the various artifacts you've found across Stardew Valley as well as learn about the lore of the world, the museum features towering bookcases and a display stand for various artifacts like the dwarf gadget, dinosaur egg, rusty spoon and a handful of minerals. It also has a desk for Gunther to stand behind to help you register your discoveries. It has a fully removable roof design.
Lewis's Manor:
This is one of the central buildings of Pelican Town as well as the home of mayor Lewis. It features an interior with a stove, bed, fireplace and small table with teapot. The roof fully detaches to help access the interior.
Join with the forces of greed as you build the main antagonist of the game: a chain store from a soul sucking corporation. Jojamart features the distinct signage of the in game store, as well as an interior featuring many prepackaged foods, a shelf of Joja Cola, the flagship product of the Joja corporation. It also has a register for Shane to work at and the desk which Morris appears behind in game.
About my Minifigures:
One of the most memorable aspects of Stardew Valley are it's unique characters. While I couldn't include every character included in the game, I did my best to include those most relevant to the buildings I chose to feature. The completed model features 14 minifigures as well as 3 Junimos and a figure of everyone's favourite void spirit, Krobus.
Lewis, the towns noble mayor holds a parsnip harvested from the farmer's initial crop. In his other hand he holds his lucky purple shorts.
Pierre can't wait to make a profit off of you, whether it's an expensive backpack or price gouging your crops. In the long run you know it doesn't matter, you'll still end up as the richest in the valley.
Abigail is ready to take on the mines with her trusty longsword. In her other hand, she holds a piece of amethyst, her favourite snack.
Pierre's wife and Abigail's mother, Caroline holds her signature teapot and teacup and features her distinctive green hair.
Gus, owner of the Stardrop Saloon is excited to share his days cooking with the villagers. Today he has pizza and fried eggs.
Pam is ready to relax in the Saloon after a long day of standing outside the bus stop waiting for the player to make the trip into the Calico Desert.
Pam's daughter Penny features a pen for marking Jas and Vincent's papers as well as a spatula to help with her uh... developing cooking skills.
Wearing his trusty blue cowboy hat, Gunther waits to give the player the rusty key that unlocks the sewers, home of Krobus. In the meantime he'll run the museum and library.
Featuring his favourite snack, grapes, and his hopefully not favourite snack, bugs, Vincent is ready for another day of school with Jas and Miss Penny.
Holding her trusty doll and her favourite flower, the fairy rose, Jas is excited for another day of school with Vincent and Penny.
Jas' older brother Shane comes with a blue chicken, unlocked after reaching a certain number of friendship points with Shane.
In his black suit and with his Joja Cola, Morris is ready to persuade you into joining the side of Joja. Will you take him up on his offer?
Dressed in his signature green jacket and holding his beloved coffee and one of his model planes, Harvey appears ready for a days work in the Stardew Valley Clinic.
Dressed for work in Harvey's clinic, Maru carries her trusty wrench, a staple of her favourite pastime, inventing.
Krobus, my personal favourite character in Stardew Valley has ventured out of his sewers to be featured in the set. He has a brick build upper half, printed face and posable legs.
The Junimos
The Junimos, the mysterious and adorable forest spirits responsible for adding various new features to the valley as the game progresses are also featured as custom printed bricks to hide and discover around the model.