Product Idea |

Classic Space Port

Inspired by Lego Classic Space this Space port is designed to provide a big play area for landing your space ships! The set consists of 3 large base plates, 1 large plate that has a landing strip, 1 large plate that has a landing strip and a small building and 1 large plate with some base components.

Features are:
  • Landing strip with landing lights
  • Small research outpost
  • Larger main outpost
  • Communications array
  • Landing pad for a smaller ship
  • Large base oxygen tanks
  • A collection of vehicles ranging from buggies to refuelling trucks
  • A lava area
  • rocky detailing

I designed this set originally to provide a size-appropriate landing space to display my new Galaxy Explorer, but eventually expanded it out to 3 full boards with an integrated space port.

All bricks are official, all built by hand. - See you in space!

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