Product Idea |

Auto Repair Shop


Piece count

It has come to my attention that there is no piece count in the description, sorry I just forgot to add it. 

So here it is in detail:

The Shop as a whole (minus the removable stuff in the garage) is 1092 pieces.

the brown car: 67 pcs.

Tow Truck: 110 pcs.

the green truck: 121 pcs.

the blue car: 93 pcs.

the red car: 199 pcs.

The set in total has 1939 pieces. The vehicles piece numbers could be readjusted in the final design (should it make it that far), but they are about Speed Champion scale.

Also this was a picture I was going to add in my initial submission, but because I mentioned the sets they came from (and they wouldn't let me do that) I didn't know what I had to remove, so here it is to show how it scales with cars from other sets. 


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