Product Idea |

Robot Squad


Two words for the AFOL, KFOL, or, TFOL who loves LEGO Ideas: Giant Robots. In this case, plenty of them. My set Robot Squad, includes the general robot (front) Gunner (back right) and infantry unit (back left). These laser blasting, highly poseable red-eyed robo-soldiers are ready to keep the galaxy safe, fight the humans, take part in a brickfilm, battle other robots, look awesome in their battle stance or what ever else you want them to do.

I always enjoyed building LEGO robots, and originally started on the general to serve as the overlord to an army of smaller robots, but I was so pleased with the final design, I decided to build two more robots and share them with you.

These robots were a lot of fun to build, and I hope you find them just as fun to see.

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