The Winchester - Shaun of the Dead
Idea didn't pass our review
Great job on getting 10,000 supporters! While this idea didn’t qualify to become a LEGO Ideas set, we loved reviewing it. Happy building to the creator on their next project!
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31/MAR/12’ The WINCHESTER !! 10K supporters! We did it !
Oh my, what a ride it has been…, I cannot thank enough everyone who made this possible.
Come what may you already made my dream come true, thank you!!!
It’s time to give some special thanks…
Simon Pegg, you are my hero.
Edgar Wright, we need more people like you in the world, seriously.
Craig Chenery, you have been my supporter #1 since day one… Thank you for everything you’ve done.
Craig is the author of a book every Shaun of the Dead fan should own (actually the book should be included in the Winchester’s box!) it’s called “Blood Splatter”, please check it out here.
Eloise from Z Magazine, thank you Eloise for your generosity and help in promoting the project.
Dave and Zombie Mutts from Bricks of the Dead, you guys gave me the inspiration to do this.
Tim Chipping, reporter at Holy Moly and a Zombie in the movie!, thank you Tim for your continuous support!
Erik @ Lego Zombie Apocalypse, your support was instrumental, thanks for everything.
Emma from the French Magazine “Cinema Teaser”, thank you for believing in this insane project.
Geoffrey from Desperate Zombie, awesome French Zombie blog.
Eurobricks and Tom in particular, I owe this community to be back into the LEGO hobby today.
Brick Pirate, and in particular Oliv’ from the French LEGO fan forum, merci à tous pour votre soutien dans cette aventure.
Silva Shado from thebrickblogger, thank you for your support.
Will Chapman from BrickArms, thank you for your support and for helping us make better MOCs!
Harmony and everyone on Peggster, official Fan page of Simon, you guys rock!
Pixel Fox – dude, I’m starting to believe that there’s nothing we can’t achieve together.
All the people who commented and supported the project here on CUUSOO.
The CUUSOO team for being so supportive, you guys have the best job in the world and you are doing it great!
Every blog and site who talked about the project, I cannot list you all here but you have my gratitude, I will update the full list on (I’ll try to update it asap).
Conan O'Brien, for showing this to the world!
Last but not least, thank you to my wife for still being at my side and supportive despite the craziness of all this!
29/MAR/12' Unrelated News
An established member of the worldwide LEGO fan community has gone missing, please take a moment to check the details here. Yeah, this is serious.
Update 03/APR/12' A very sad new was just issued, please see here.
28/MAR/12' Big News!
Simon Pegg is talking about the Winchester in the Conan O’Brien show! Check out the video here (starts around 3’40”).
Thank you Simon and Conan for your support!
15/MAR/12' Project update!
We are very happy to introduce to you the Winchester 2.0!
The first version of the build only had a detailed ground floor… actually it did not even have a wall on the side in order to simplify the photography.
This new version is now a fully modular house with a detailed interior on every floor. As with any other LEGO modular, the floors can each be removed to allow an easy access and playability.
The third floor features a bedroom and a complete bathroom; on the second floor we have a kitchen and a dining room and on the ground floor we have the tavern that has been slightly modified to accommodate the staircase to the upper floors. The build now also has a backdoor. Please check the picture gallery for close-ups!
And remember, you can still get a free ecopy of Z Magazine by supporting the Win on CUUSOO. – check all the details here.
The ultimate LEGO set for all the "Shaun" fans!
The idea is to turn "The Winchester" into an exclusive LEGO set that would match the Modular Houses line... How's that for a slice of fried gold?
I am very happy to share with you that we have the support of none other than Edgar Wright himself, Director of Shaun of the Dead!
Check the post on his blog!
Here is the link to a reference picture of the pub (also formerly known as "the Duke of Albany").
Here is the link to the Google Street view. The building is no longer a pub and was recently converted into apartments!
The interior of the pub would allow everyone to replay the actual "Don't Stop me now" scene!
The set would of course come with the all the necessary Minifigs... and a couple of Zombies!Please note that the above "Shaun" is actually a custom fig produced by BrickArms. The Cricket Bat and the Winchester gun that can be seen inside the pub are also BrickArms products.
Thank you for your support!
15/MAR/12' Project update!
Nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter le Winchester 2.0!
Seul le rez-de-chaussée était détaillé dans la première version.. en réalité le bâtiment ne possédait même pas de mur sur le côté afin de faciliter la photographie.
Cette nouvelle version est désormais complètement modulaire avec un intérieur détaillé à chaque étage. Tout comme n'importe quel bâtiment modulaire LEGO, les étages peuvent être retirés pour permettre l'accès aux différentes pièces.
Le troisième étage comprend une salle de bain complète et une chambre, le 2ème étage est composé d'une cuisine et une salle à manger. La Taverne se trouve toujours au rez-de-chaussée et a du être légèrement modifiée pour permettre de placer un escalier vers les étages. Le bâtiment possède aussi désormais une porte arrière.
Toutes les photos sont ici!
N'oubliez pas, en supportant le Winchester sur CUUSOO vous pouvez toujours recevoir une copie numérique gratuite de Z Magazine – tous les détails sont ici!
Le set LEGO ultime pour tous les fans de Shaun !
Je suis très heureux de partager avec vous le fait que nul autre que Edgar Wright, Réalisateur du film Shaun of the Dead apporte son soutien au projet !
Voir le post sur son blog perso!
L’idée est de faire du Winchester un set LEGO exclusif compatible avec la ligne existante des « modular houses »…
L’intérieur de la taverne permettra de rejouer la fameuse scène du film où les zombies attaquent et où le juke box joue « Don’t stop me now ! »
Le set comprendra bien sûr les figurines nécessaires… et quelques Zombies !
Veuillez noter que la figurine de Shaun, la batte de cricket et la carabine exposée au mur sont des accessoires customs réalisés par la société BrickArms.
Voici un lien vers une photo du pub qui a servi de décor au film.
… et un lien vers l’adresse sur Google Street view.
Le bâtiment a été entièrement rénové et abrite désormais des appartements.
Merci pour votre support !
「ショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド」(Shaun of the Dead)は2004年にイギリスで製作されたコメディ・ホラー映画です。イギリスを中心に世界中でヒットしました。残念ながら、日本では未公開の作品です。
劇中に登場するパブ「ウィンチェスター」(The Winchester )をレゴの人気シリーズでもあるモジュラーシリーズに合うようにビルドしました。映画に登場するキャラクターもミニフィグとして含めました。世界中のショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド ファンやまだこの映画を観たことない方に向けて、この商品化プロジェクトを企画しました。
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