LARP at the Park

At last, I Basil, have conquered all lands west of the river!
Darkness will rule from here after!

Little did the bat lord know that there was still one hero, who was drawing near to put an end to the reign of this frightful knight. Even worse for Basil, his wizard has been distracted by the victory feast & has left his spell book out of reach.

Draw your blade Basil! Face justice for what you have done to my land.

Who dares challenge me & my wizard?
Majisto, deal with this bug.
Oh come on! You couldn't wait 5 minutes to eat?
No matter, I shall deal with this hero myself.

The hero & the villain clash blades. Blow after blow their fight moves closer to the water. The wizard fears defeat & rushes to help, lunch in hand. Just as he arrives there comes a loud splash & Basil stands waist deep in the mighty river.

Whoops! Sorry Brad, I mean...You have been vanquished bat lord, now retreat to the accursed land from whence ye came!

Fine, fine. Now help me out so I can dry off by the fire.
#role playing game
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