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Benkei: A LEGO Figure That Celebrates Japanese Loyalty and Devotion

This LEGO figure is a representation of Benkei, a legendary warrior monk from Japanese culture. Benkei is a popular figure in Japanese folklore and legend, and he is often seen as a symbol of loyalty and devotion.

In the first picture, Benkei is dressed as a mountain monk. He has long hair, a small hat, a black robe, and a Buddhist rosary. This costume is a traditional representation of Benkei, and it reflects his association with Buddhism and Japanese culture.

Secondly, Benkei takes out a blank scroll and pretends to read a kanjincho (fundraising document) to disguise his identity. This is a reference to a famous scene from the Kanjincho play, in which Benkei disguises himself as a monk in order to protect Yoshitsune from his enemies.

At last, Benkei, in order to protect Yoshitsune, to whom he was loyal, raised his staff and beat him without mercy. 

I hope this figure will make people to learn about Japanese culture and the importance of loyalty in Japanese society.
#japanese culture
#traditional style
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