Dr. Eggman Metal Sonic

For those of you who don't know who metal sonic is here's a recap:
Metal sonic is one of the best attempt made by doctor robotnic (or dr. eggman if you prefer) To beat sonic the hedghog at his own game, he worked tiressly and made multiple prototipes that went and battled against soinc, failing each time and getting improoved with time and rafined into what is now probably the best of dr. eggman machines: Metal sonic.
A "better sonic" in a way, from his nice anc shiny blue armor, to the speed given to him by his turbine on the chest, to his ability to fly thanks to jet boots and the most important: love from his creator, who snaps out of amnesia just seeing how sonic damaged his "son".

But it felt a little too not eggman...so i gave him a nice big mustache like his handsome creator (that you can remove if you ever dare going fast enough to burn them)

anyway, this was a fun, even if it took a lot of time, and a nice change from my usual spaceship building; i hope ya all like it.
#sonic the hedgehog
#metal sonic
Image attached to challenge
Winners announced
Dr. Eggman’s Takeover

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