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Eggmans Latest Invention: Dr. Sonik

After years of constantly losing inventions and failing to defeat that irritating hedgehog, Dr. Eggman thought he could never exterminate that blue brat, but the prodigious, ingenious Eggman doesn’t know when to quit. "I May Not Be able to defeat Sonic," Dr. Eggman Thought. "But maybe he can't defeat himself," and with a plan to destroy Sonic, Dr. Eggman spent many tireless hours constructing his invention. "Finally, it's done," Eggman twirled his bushy mustache, "Dr. Sonik! an exact robotic replica of Sonic with a few personal touches, I will finally defeat that menace."

I hope you guys like it, this is my first contest I’ve participated in. Please let me know what you think in the comments, That's all for now. Peace ✌ 
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Dr. Eggman’s Takeover

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